Learn how you want, where you want

The world’s largest selection of online courses

Stanford International Academy, in coordination with the U.S. Department of Education, offers more than 30 accredited educational courses in all language disciplines through the most skilled teachers in the United States of America according to the general reference standard for languages and through their use of smart interactive teaching methods that enable the student to receive information to understand as well as make it easier for him to apply directly.

  • Private Classes
  • Small number groups
  • The possibility of choosing times
  • Direct distance study

Educational courses according to the level

Beginner Course


Advanced Course

Private Course


Learn Starter language

Beginner Course
A1-A2 start-up course

It is the first stage of the English language. This course is offered to students who are unable to distinguish all the letters of the language in form or sound, as well as students who suffer from weakness in the recognition of primitive terms and phrases in the language so that the primary focus is on pronunciation of simple words, listening skills, and the practice of English in daily life , Reading and merging all of these skills together. He also learned how to construct a sentence and use the basic grammar of the English language in a professional manner. We teach you how to introduce oneself, friends, family, work and discuss the activities of daily life and how to talk about them in an innovative and unconventional way. Perhaps the most important possibilities a student has upon completing this level is the ability to understand and use familiar daily expressions, and basic phrases that aim to meet specific needs.
He can know about himself and others, and he can ask and answer questions about personal details.
He can interact in a simple manner in conversation with another person slowly, clearly and fully ready to help foreigners
Frequently used sentences and phrases related to frequently used fields (such as basic personal information, family, shopping, local geography, and employment) can be understood (simple routine topics that require simple and direct understanding of information on familiar and routine issues) can be communicated. In simple terms about his personality, his environment, and issues in various fields.
Its results:
Reaching self-confidence by breaking the barrier of fear and reluctance to use the English language so that it begins to speak in a beginner manner, and we are also working to increase the number of basic English words to advance towards the intermediate stage as well as establishing English grammar to reach to build sentences in the English language properly through Tools used in education and study methods:
We offer the most advanced modern methods in the field of education, by offering ideas and information from the lecturer on the World Wide Web through images, phrases, and thousands of examples within the topic under discussion. We also provide attractive and enjoyable educational materials. In addition to the teacher’s focus on meeting the student’s need very much in addition to the distinctive style of the teacher and based on the student’s understanding not memorizing the meanings of words, through modern and innovative teaching methods, through which the teacher seeks to ensure the student’s ability to master the language within the educational level in it.
A purely educational environment will be provided within student groups through virtual classes online through the Webex program, a program produced by Cisco International intended for universities and academies that adopt the system of direct education Online, so that we will provide the program to every student enrolled in the academy through the technical support department.
The program is as innovative and unconventional as the rest of the conference meeting programs. It is characterized by the clarity of sound and image within the lecture, which will be live and direct with the teacher and the rest of the colleagues in the lecture. It is also distinguished by the ability to record lectures and save them after the end of each lecture, and we will raise the recordings on the student page, which makes it imperative for the teacher to ask students to dispense with the use of the pen and notebook during the lecture, as there is no need to use these tools as long as the documentation is done electronically, and on the other hand, if left The student for these traditional blogging methods during the lecture forces him to focus more with the teacher and also gives him more time to benefit within the lecture.
Returning to the nature of the study process within the virtual classroom, the student will find the program screen divided into two parts, on the right is a picture of the teacher and below the rest of the students and on the left is the educational material. Knowing that the student can study through a laptop or desktop device or smart mobile devices.
Interactive self-training: The student will learn how to listen, speak, write and read the English language within training programs from the first day within the educational plan in very fun, innovative and unconventional ways, which pushes the student to practice the language in all its aspects in a manner appropriate to his needs and goals and so that he can strengthen himself in more than one way And more than one entertainment and educational program at the same time. We provided all of them so that we can reach with our students the professionalism.
What distinguishes the A1-A2 courses at Stanford International Language Academy:
The academic staff of the Academy is an elite group of the best lecturers of the United States of America, because they have obtained many certificates of how to teach the language to non-speakers, as well as their use of modern professional teaching methods that depend on the delivery of information to the student through ways of understanding away from memorization and indoctrination. Without doubt, learning English It requires the strongest and most qualified teachers and this is what we provide mainly for the student to ensure the highest and best results. All of our teachers are holders of higher academic degrees from Stanford International University and specialize in smart interactive teaching.
Instant feedback: After each lecture, the student gets an immediate review of the student’s file directly from the lecturer and from the lecturer’s supervisor as well, who in turn is directed to the student throughout the duration of his academic program. The feedback contains all the notes taken in the lecture by the instructor and the supervisor.
Total freedom and very high flexibility in choosing the appropriate times to study and the possibility of studying within special programs as needed.
The number of students will be few in lectures from3–4 students, so that there will be a greater focus on the part of the lecturer on students and individual attention to each student separately. Which causes the student to pursue his lessons further throughout the study period.
Student Profile: After completing the registration process, the student gets a username and password for his personal file on the Academy website, which enables him to continuously follow his educational program, such as following the lectures schedule and the teacher’s feedback, as well as all appointments, assessments, exams and their dates. This makes it easy for the student to manage his educational program professionally, with complete comfort, without any academic pressures
Registered classes: The ability to keep records of all lectures in a manner consistent with the student’s full-time. We also note that all direct lectures that the student attends will be subject to registration during their broadcasts in order to allow the student to view and review the material whenever he so wishes.
Continuous follow-up and accompaniment Among the most important advantages that the Academy offers to its students is to follow the student and accompany him throughout his academic process, starting with enrollment and registration and ending with the completion of all graduation requirements, and supervises the process of follow-up students elite of specialists in the following departments:
The Department of Evaluations: This department will follow up on student assessments received by the teaching staff on a weekly basis, as well as follow the progress of the student’s study plan and inform him periodically of his progress and benefit, as well as provide him with all the notes and instructions that help him to successfully overcome his study plan.
The Quality and Control Department: This department generally monitors the study process in its supervisory role with the teaching staff. It is a department concerned with preserving the quality of the study process in terms of the teacher’s educational style and the extent to which students benefit and are satisfied during the lecture.
Student Affairs Department: And its role in lectures lies in constant communication with students to provide logistical support to them in addition to classifying students, distributing them to the appropriate virtual classes for them, and selecting the most appropriate teaching staff for them in light of the report received from the Department from the Evaluation Department.
Duration and end of the course:
The duration of the educational course is four months with an intensive study starting from Sunday to Thursday through theoretical and other practical training lectures in a live and direct broadcast with the teacher. After completing the registration process, the Language Assessment Department performs a level examination for the student until the student’s needs are determined in the English language and build An educational plan to meet these needs, according to the student’s abilities and capabilities.
Guarantee of benefit:
The Stanford International Language Academy provides students with a guarantee that they will benefit throughout their studies at the Academy by a full percentage, provided that the student does not absent without a formal, official excuse for more than 4 lectures throughout his academic process.

learn intermediate course

Intermediate Course
B1 – B2 intermediate course
This is the stage where the student has mastered the basics of the language in terms of reading, writing, conversation and grammar, and from there the student focuses primarily on supporting these points and on advancing to reach the advanced stage. The aim of this stage is to increase the average student’s English vocabulary, so that he can talk about himself more like talking about his experiences, his field of work and his interests and talk more from his family. The student will also be able to talk about various things such as nature, atmosphere, daily life and people in a clear and understandable way, using the rules of healthy English. The student can also obtain more meanings, vocabulary and terminology at this stage, so that they can be used in the construction of more complex sentences from the first stage in clear and sound language.
His results:
Achieve greater self-confidence through ease of use of the English language by speaking in an advanced, flexible, simple and fully aware of the basics of the English language and its grammar without grammatical errors. In addition to increasing the ability to speak the language more easily to progress to the advanced stage, as well as supporting and reinforcing the rules of the English language to achieve the correct construction of sentences in English.

At the end of the course, the student is able to understand the sentences, the degree of difficulty is medium, and how to interact and interact with various topics such as the scope of work, the environment in which he is, the family, and life in its domains. So that the student can also learn to speak in the English language immediately in any field in an average way, which gives him confidence in him and does not hesitate to support his language and its development.
The main points of familiar matters such as work, leisure, school, etc. can be clearly understood.
He can handle most situations that may arise while traveling in an area, so he speaks the English language to manage his travel affairs, he can write simple text regarding familiar or personal matters., He can describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes and aspirations, and briefly give reasons Interpretations of opinions and plans. The main ideas of complex texts can be understood in both specific and abstract topics, including technical discussions in the field of specialization, which can interact with a degree of spontaneity and fluidity that makes regular interaction very likely with native speakers without stress for any of the parties. He can produce detailed and clear texts on a wide range of subjects, explain his point of view on any of the current issues and give advantages and disadvantages in various aspects.
Tools used in teaching and study methods:
We offer the most advanced modern methods in the field of education, providing ideas and information from the speaker on the World Wide Web through images, sentences and thousands of examples in the subject under discussion. We also provide attractive and enjoyable educational materials. In addition to the teacher’s emphasis on meeting the student’s needs in addition to the teacher’s distinctive style and based on the student’s understanding of not memorizing the meaning of words, through modern and innovative teaching methods, through which the teacher seeks to ensure the student’s ability to master the language in the educational level it contains.

A purely educational environment will be provided within student groups through online virtual classes through the WebEx program, a program produced by Cisco International aimed at universities and academies that adopt the online direct teaching system, so that we provide the program to every student enrolled in the academy through the technical support department.
The program is as innovative and unconventional as the rest of the conference meeting programs. It is characterized by the clarity of sound and image within the conference, which will be live and direct with the teacher and other colleagues in the conference. It also stands out for being able to record lectures and save them after each lecture is over, and we will be increasing the recordings on the student page, which forces the teacher to ask students to skip the use of the pen and notepad during the conference, because it is not necessary to use these tools as long Read More

Learn high language

Advanced Course
Course applicants: C2-C2
By this stage, the student will have passed the middle stage of the English language before and has every need of reading, writing, conversation and grammar, and from here the student is mainly focused on developing these points and moving forward to reach mastery of the English language. The student is subjected to very large discussions in all areas of life with the teacher, whether in economics, politics, or even social life, work environment, and market. Emphasis is also placed on mastering writing and listening skills, and innovative methods will be used to make the student a person who can fully understand the English language and is able to speak on any topic of discussion through the use of complex words, terms and vocabulary.
C1 can understand a wide range of long and required texts observing implicit meaning. He can express himself fluently and spontaneously without much clarity regarding the phrases. The language can be used flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. It can produce clear, well-organized and detailed texts on complex topics, which illustrate patterns of use of organizational methods, coherent links and structures.
C1 can easily understand almost everything he hears or reads. Information can be summed up from various sources, spoken, written, discussed and presented coherently. He can express himself spontaneously, very fluently, with the subtle details of meanings distinguished even in the most complex cases.
Its results:
The student reaches the stage of self-confidence using the English language from reading, writing, listening and speaking fluently. The student can understand all the topics he listens to without hesitation and the possibility of discussing it simply. As well as mastering writing skills in an ideal way to write on various topics of life, whether economic, political, scientific, in a professional, error-free manner.
Tools used in education and study methods:
We offer the most advanced modern methods in the field of education, by offering ideas and information from the lecturer on the World Wide Web through images, phrases, and thousands of examples within the topic under discussion. We also provide attractive and enjoyable educational materials. In addition to the teacher’s focus on meeting the student’s need very much in addition to the distinctive style of the teacher and based on the student’s understanding not memorizing the meanings of words, through modern and innovative teaching methods, through which the teacher seeks to ensure the student’s ability to master the language within the educational level in it.
A purely educational environment will be provided within student groups through virtual classes online through the Webex program, a program produced by Cisco International intended for universities and academies that adopt the system of direct education Online, so that we will provide the program to every student enrolled in the academy through the technical support department.
The program is as innovative and unconventional as the rest of the conference meeting programs. It is characterized by the clarity of sound and image within the lecture, which will be live and direct with the teacher and the rest of the colleagues in the lecture. It is also distinguished by the ability to record lectures and save them after the end of each lecture, and we will raise the recordings on the student page, which makes it imperative for the teacher to ask students to dispense with the use of the pen and notebook during the lecture, as there is no need to use these tools as long as the documentation is done electronically, and on the other hand, if left The student for these traditional blogging methods during the lecture forces him to focus more with the teacher and also gives him more time to benefit within the lecture.
Returning to the nature of the study process within the virtual classroom, the student will find the program screen divided into two parts, on the right is a picture of the teacher and below the rest of the students and on the left is the educational material. Knowing that the student can study through a laptop or desktop device or smart mobile devices.
Interactive self-training: The student will learn how to listen, speak, write and read the English language within training programs from the first day within the educational plan in very fun, innovative and unconventional ways, which pushes the student to practice the language in all its aspects in a manner appropriate to his needs and goals and so that he can strengthen himself in more than one way And more than one entertainment and educational program at the same time. We provided all of them so that we can reach with our students the professionalism.
What distinguishes the A1-A2 courses at Stanford International Language Academy:
The academic staff of the Academy is an elite group of the best lecturers of the United States of America, because they have obtained many certificates of how to teach the language to non-speakers, as well as their use of modern professional teaching methods that depend on the delivery of information to the student through ways of understanding away from memorization and indoctrination. Without doubt, learning English It requires the strongest and most qualified teachers and this is what we provide mainly for the student to ensure the highest and best results. All of our teachers are holders of higher academic degrees from Stanford International University and specialize in smart interactive teaching.
Instant feedback: After each lecture, the student gets an immediate review of the student’s file directly from the lecturer and from the lecturer’s supervisor as well, who in turn is directed to the student throughout the duration of his academic program. The feedback contains all the notes taken in the lecture by the instructor and the supervisor.
Total freedom and very high flexibility in choosing the appropriate times to study and the possibility of studying within special programs as needed.
The number of students will be few in lectures from 3-4 students, so that there will be a greater focus on the part of the lecturer on students and individual attention to each student separately. Which causes the student to pursue his lessons further throughout the study period.
Student Profile: After completing the registration process, the student gets a username and password for his personal file on the Academy website, which enables him to continuously follow his educational program, such as following the lectures schedule and the teacher’s feedback, as well as all appointments, assessments, exams and their dates. This makes it easy for the student to manage his educational program professionally, with complete comfort, without any academic pressures
Registered classes: The ability to keep records of all lectures in a manner consistent with the student’s full-time. We also note that all direct lectures that the student attends will be subject to registration during their broadcasts in order to allow the student to view and review the material whenever he so wishes.
Continuous follow-up and accompaniment Among the most important advantages that the Academy offers to its students is to follow the student and accompany him throughout his academic process, starting with enrollment and registration and ending with the completion of all graduation requirements, and supervises the process of follow-up students elite of specialists in the following departments:
The Department of Evaluations: This department will follow up on student assessments received by the teaching staff on a weekly basis, as well as follow the progress of the student’s study plan and inform him periodically of his progress and benefit, as well as provide him with all the notes and instructions that help him to successfully overcome his study plan.
The Quality and Control Department: This department generally monitors the study process in its supervisory role with the teaching staff. It is a department concerned with preserving the quality of the study process in terms of the teacher’s educational style and the extent to which students benefit and are satisfied during the lecture.
Student Affairs Department: And its role in lectures lies in constant communication with students to provide logistical support to them in addition to classifying students, distributing them to the appropriate virtual classes for them, and selecting the most appropriate teaching staff for them in light of the report received from the Department from the Evaluation Department.
Duration and end of the course:
The duration of the educational course is four months with an intensive study starting from Sunday to Thursday through theoretical and other practical training lectures in a live and direct broadcast with the teacher. After completing the registration process, the Language Assessment Department performs a level examination for the student until the student’s needs are determined in the English language and build An educational plan to meet these needs, according to the student’s abilities and capabilities.
Guarantee of benefit:
The Stanford International Language Academy provides students with a guarantee that they will benefit throughout their studies at the Academy by a full percentage, provided that the student does not absent without a formal, official excuse for more than 4 lectures throughout his academic process. Read More

Be alone in the lecture

Private Course
Private Lectures:
Our private lessons are the best option for people who do not want to study in groups, and prefer to study alone. If you are one of these people, we have allocated for you special courses in which you receive individual attention and we will determine together the content of the program. Studying individually will help you learn faster and more intensively. So, choose the topics or region you need to improve on and we will prepare a course for you.
Private lessons at Stanford International Language Academy:
Where this course is distinguished by the student choosing the appropriate times for him in a manner that is appropriate to his time and devotion and in turn we provide the teacher for him throughout his educational program individually and upon him a careful educational plan is built to suit the needs of the student so that the teacher can focus on all the strengths and improvement of the student and work on it during his period The study, and the student has a full focus by the teacher throughout the duration of the lecture.
In this case, the student is given a study package with a specific expiry date, he can finish this package within a few months, and he can finish it during a full year depending on the number of classes in the package.
The student can choose his favorite teacher and in turn we help the student with that.
The student can also make a quota for a specified period of time (freezing of study) provided that it is terminated before the package expires and the student can also change the date of the classes in case he has any convincing reason to communicate with the teacher directly without returning to the institute, or by returning to us if the student wants to change the teacher or Similar.
The student can also join a group lessons course as well as private lessons as a kind of remedial lessons in case he feels that he is lagging behind the other students due to several faults.
Its results:
Gain confidence in your ability to speak, listen to, read and write the English language while learning about the culture of countries in the developed world, such as America and Britain.
Learning from the best experienced and qualified teachers who focus on your individual needs all the time
Enjoy lessons with clear goals that are interactive and fun
Study alone and gain confidence by receiving direct feedback from your teacher.
We recommend our individual courses for people who want to study during working hours in their office or in our educational centers, and those who have previously had difficulty learning in courses with a large number of students.
And for more information, you can contact the registration department and if you are a registered student, you can send a message to the customer service department and we will contact you as soon as possible. Read More

Advantages of TOFEL and IELTS courses

Teachers specialized in teaching English (America and Britain)
Learning any language needs to practice the language with its people, and this is why the Stanford International Academy for Languages ​​selects the faculty with great care of American and British origins within the terms of the US Department of Education who hold higher academic degrees (Masters and PhD) in addition to ESL or TESOL for language education English for non-native speakers, and therefore they are distinguished by advanced scientific methods for communicating the idea and content to the student.
English lectures are subject to registration:
The English language education program guarantees to students that no information or academic content is lost by registering direct lectures after each session so that the student can, through his entry into his account in the program, view the lectures again and recall the contents that were presented at any time and any place to review all events The class, noting his weaknesses, strengthening it, and helping in solving daily assignments with ease. Students can refer to classes at any time and for life so that students have a rich educational stock.
It is e-Book books and electronic curriculum in PDF format so that Stanford Academy students can obtain the full copies of electronic books upon registration by logging into the student’s account through the institute’s website and downloading them on his own device and cell phone as PDF for reference at the time of the lectures and any other time for study.
Download software
The programs are easily downloaded by the technical support and follow-up team on the students ’devices that will be used in the study and to ensure that they are run properly before the start of the lectures.
Indicative classes
Before the student starts to study, the online institute of stanford academy provides an instructional instruction session, with the assistance of the technical support team at the institute, so that the student can learn how to use the educational program with teachers and use its tools in order to ensure the student has mastered the use of the educational program and direct lessons.
Reminder of quotas through WhatsApp service
The follow-up team sends a reminder of the classes for all students through messages via the WhatsApp service, and in case the student does not attend from the beginning of the lecture, he will be contacted to remind him.
ADMIN Personal Follow Up Service
When starting the lecture and to ensure that the educational session is going well and to obtain the maximum benefit for the students. A Supervisor in the Support and Follow-up Team is attending the class to provide the necessary assistance and participate effectively.
If the student has difficulty understanding part of the content or communicating with the lecturer, the supervisor translates the conversations and contents of the student and makes sure that he understands it before moving to the other points of the lecture
During the lecture, students can contact the supervisor through the chat system for any inquiries to obtain an immediate answer.
The supervisor calls the students, takes their notes on the lectures, and answers any other individual inquiries regarding learning.
Self-training system, assignments and exams
The student gets an intensive course that takes advantage of each rich educational week so that the lecturer will assign training assignments after each unit of study and the student applies them in his spare time, in addition to an email containing a group of vocabulary and conversation per week based on the level of the student to use and apply In his public life.
After the completion of the course, students take an evaluation exam to measure the stage of progression to the language level that qualifies it for moving to the higher levels. The exam includes all matters that were studied in the direct lectures of vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Read More

New additions published every month

Many specialized private and group courses to raise language proficiency

  • Certificate with international accreditationGet official accreditation for your degree by the American Board of languages
  • Coursework coursesEach course contains a set of skills that prepare you to speak, read and write
  • SupportWorks around the clock to provide the best service to students

Live online courses

Stanford International Language Academy relies on providing study to its students through the latest technologies that facilitate the student to study from anywhere directly and at any time he wants and through modern professional methods

Teaching Material

The Academy has prepared an intelligent curriculum for its students that focuses on communicating information to the student using understanding methods that facilitate the student's access to information and training on its application. This curriculum is approved by the general framework of reference for CEFR languages, in addition to many artificial intelligence tools that help the student to practice through virtual conversations

Academy Life

Although the process of studying at the Academy is offered online, it is not without the atmosphere of academic life, as it allows students to get to know each other and communicate with each other both inside and outside lectures.
Learn on your schedule. Anywhere, anytime

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reviews written by our usershelp you pick

  • I did not expect to achieve such results in such a short time, I thank Stanford for what you have given me

    Fahed Mutleq Al-Hajeri
  • My level was very poor, and I expected that I would not be able to learn English, but thanks to you, I have achieved what I considered impossible

    Fatima Abdullah Al-Enezi
  • I tried a lot to learn the English language, but I did not succeed, as I considered the language to be very difficult, but after I registered with you, many of my ideas about the English language changed and I became more in love with it.

    Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman Al-Hajri
  • I am very happy to study through you, but I am very upset because of the change of the teacher Mary.

    Tahera Bishara Al-Yousifi

Find out the latest education news

A meeting between the Academy’s Finance Department and representatives from the American Council on Language Teaching to announce new discount grants

This morning, Wednesday 05/03/2025, a meeting was held between representatives of the Grants Department of the Finance Department and representatives of the American Council for Language Teaching. The meeting discussed...
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Meeting of the Academy’s Quality and Control Department

In the presence of the Head of the Control and Quality Department, Dr. Jean Jordi, an emergency meeting was held today 04-03-2025 after the recommendations issued by the Deanship of...
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Stanford Academy receives one of its outstanding students

has taken Stanford International Academy, at its headquarters in Los Angeles, California, welcomed the distinguished student, Muhammad Saeed Al-Ansari, a student in the Arabic section of the academy among the...
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technical support

The technical support team works around the clock from Sunday to Thursday to provide the best service to the student and to provide an excellent study environment

Continuous follow-up .
Through periodic meetings held by the Evaluation and Quality Department.

International academic accreditation

Higher Education board accreditation

The Academy was accredited by the Higher Education Council of the US Department of Education in the year


Accreditation Certificate (University of California)

A certificate of appreciation from the University of California after evaluating our academic curricula, as the University of California is authorized by the state to evaluate the accredited curricula for educational institutions in the state of California, and accordingly, the Stanford Academy has been upgraded from grade B to grade A

Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education

After scrutiny and review, Stanford International Academy was awarded a degree of “high confidence” that enables it to grant language proficiency certificates – a valid license 2021-2026


Arab Accreditation Council (AAC)

Accreditation certificate issued by the “Arab Council for Accreditation”AAC , which is the administrative department in charge of granting academic accreditations affiliated to the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Specialized Sciences, one of the organizations affiliated to the League of Arab States concerned with educational 


Ministry of Higher Education Commission

The Ministry of Higher Education Commission is an independent, statutory, and autonomous regulatory authority responsible for overseeing, accrediting, regulating, and funding higher education institutions in the Middle East.


europe business assembly (license)

A valid license issued by the “European Business Association corporation of social partnership” of the European Union, to accredit the Stanford Academy in the countries of the European Union (valid up to 24.03.2028)

Our goal is to be a bridge for students to master the language

Maryia AnnQuality Manager